se si tratta di una casa nelle stelle oppure un pozzo nel deserto quello che li rende belli invisibile perch l essenziale non si vede dall occhio l essenziale quello che si trova in ...
william shakespeare nbsp was an english poet playwright and actor he was born on 26 april 1564 in stratford upon avon his father was a successful local businessman and his mother was the ...
this book is not complete yet you and me we are going to be the writers of this book together i finished the writing part and drawing part is on you i hope you like drawing i underlined the ...
elizabeth stevenson was born in london on 29 september 1810 the daughter of a unitarian minister after her mother s early death she was raised by an aunt who lived in knutsford in cheshire ...
abraham bram stoker was bom 8 november 1847 in dublin ireland to a civil servant father and charity worker and writer mother he was a sickly child and spent lots of time in bed being told ...
jane austen was an english novelist who is krıown for her iconic romantic literature born in hampshire englarıd on t he 16th december 1775 jane austen was educated through her childhood at ...
anne bronte was born on january 17 1820 in thornton yorkshire england the sister of fellow writers charlotte and emily bronte said to be the meeker and less talented bronte sister anne was ...
henry james was born on 15 april 1843 in new york city new york state united states the second of five children born to theologian henry james sr 1811 1882 and maty robertson nee walsh ...
the island house is a story book which tells the adventures of a brave boy who is called alfy a terrible storm breaks out in the night and the walls of the dam in the village collapse ...
hikayemizin sonunda boşluk doldurmalı konu tarama soruları ile sözlük ilavesi vardır the enchanted castle is a story book which contains the simplified edition of the novel with the same ...